Welcome to my website!

This is coin collector game, consist in

This is the modified code:

import pgzrun
import pygame

from random import randint

WIDTH = 1350
HEIGHT = 700
score = 0
game_over = False
background = Actor("bandera")

fox1 = Actor("fox1")
fox1.pos = 100, 100

coin2 =Actor("coin2")
coin2.pos = 1, 1

def draw():
    screen.surface = pygame.display.set_mode((WIDTH, HEIGHT), pygame.FULLSCREEN)
    screen.blit("bandera", (0, 0))
    screen.draw.text("Score: " + str(score), color="white", topleft=(10, 10))

    if game_over:
        screen.draw.text("Final Score: "+ str(score), topleft=(10, 10), fontsize=60)
def place_coin():
    coin2.x = randint(100, (WIDTH - 100))
    coin2.y = randint(100, (HEIGHT - 100))

def time_up():
    global game_over
    game_over = True

def update():
    global score

    if keyboard.left:
        fox1.x = fox1.x - 12
    elif keyboard.right:
        fox1.x = fox1.x + 12
    elif keyboard.up:
        fox1.y = fox1.y - 12
    elif keyboard.down:
        fox1.y = fox1.y + 12

    coin_collected = fox1.colliderect(coin2)

    if coin_collected :
        score = score +5

clock.schedule(time_up, 30)

  • To learn how to create a website about videogames for an Erasmus + project for my school: Institut Pompeu Fabra using Javascript and ml5.js
  • To learn how to build a mobile App using MIT App Inventor for this project
  • To create original videogames based on traditions
  • To learn python by creating basic games using mu editor and pygame zero library
  • To create a sulfur dioxide graphs from La Palma volcano using matplotlib library in python mode